Carlton Carl
P.O. Box 444
Martindale, Texas 78655-0444
(512) 749-9050
Carlton Carl
Carlton Carl, a native of Houston and longtime resident of Austin, has owned most of downtown Martindale, Texas, since 2005.
He is a graduate of Houston’s Kinkaid School who earned his B.A. degree at Columbia College and M.S. in Journalism from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.
He reported for the Houston Chronicle, the New York Times, and other publications.
In recent years, he was CEO and Publisher of The Texas Observer, on whose non-profit governing board he now serves.
His considerable experience In Texas Democratic politics and state and federal governments includes stints as a Texas gubernatorial press secretary, chief of staff to a Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, director of tax information for the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, press secretary to a Texas Member of Congress, campaign manager and/or media consultant in numerous local, state, and federal campaigns.
He also worked in non-profit advocacy as vice president of media affairs/policy and strategy for the American Association for Justice (formerly the Association of Trial Lawyers of America).
He is a member of the board and executive committee of The Texas Democracy Foundation, publisher of The Texas Observer.
He Is also a licensed Texas real estate broker (#0232568).